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My Current Obsessions — Including The Books, TV Shows & Biohacks I Can’t Get Enough Of!






  1. The steamy book series that I was late to, but devoured with zero regrets!
  2. The reality show that’s reigniting my passion for dance in the most fun way.
  3. The 3 biohacking tools that are speeding up my healing and boosting my energy levels.
  4. The skincare products I swear by for that effortless glow — clean, simple, and effective.


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I absolutely LOVE getting a great recommendation, don’t you?! 

There’s something special about getting the inside scoop on a new book, product, or technique that you might have otherwise missed. 

So today, I thought it’d be fun to share a few of my current favorite things with you. 

From books I’ve loved, to TV shows I’ve devoured, to my latest skincare obsession, here’s a peek into what’s been lighting me up. 

I hope you find something here that inspires you too!

Books I’ve Loved Lately

With my broken ankle keeping me off my feet, I’ve found myself diving into some great reads. If you’re in the mood for captivating stories or personal growth inspiration, these are my top picks — 

  1. Matthew McConaughey’s Greenlights – This one had me hooked. It’s stacked with funny stories, crazy antics, and GOLDEN life lessons. His journey is one that’ll make you rethink what it means to embrace every opportunity. (I’ve heard that the audiobook version is epic too!)
  2. Matthew Perry’s Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing – This one is deep, emotional, and surprisingly honest. He opens up about his struggles in ways that left me with so much compassion for him. If you’re a Millennial babe like me, and you grew up watching Friends, this will hit hard. RIP, Chandler Bing.
  3. Will Smith’s Will – Whoa. This memoir is a wild ride, with fascinating insights into Will’s approach to hard work, family, and what it means to be yourself. If you want a jolt of motivation wrapped up in the grit and glamor of Hollywood, check it out.
  4. E.L. James’s Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy – I know, I know: I’m late to the party here! But I was obsessed. The entire trilogy had me flipping pages like a crazy woman.

TV/Movies I’m Loving

When it comes to TV and movies, I’ve been in the mood for some lighthearted fun with the occasional reality hit. Here’s what I’ve been watching:

  • Emily in Paris – It’s fluffy, it’s fashionable, and it’s the perfect dose of Parisian daydreams. Watching Emily navigate life in Paris is pure fun and takes me back to my year living there dancing at the Moulin Rouge… so fun!
  • The Kardashians – I love watching how they all run their businesses and lives — it’s super fascinating.
  • The Idea of You – This movie just hit differently. It’s a love story that’s unexpected and beautifully told. If you haven’t seen it yet, definitely add it to your list and bring the tissues at the end (or maybe that was just the pregnancy hormones?!).
  • Pop Star Academy: KATSEYE — I attended a professional performing arts academy after high school, and this reality series took me straight back to those days. I was mesmerized watching these hugely talented girls compete to be in a K-Pop group — um, and I have strong feelings about the ending!
  • America’s Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders — Can you sense a theme here?! I’m in awe of the talent these women have and it makes me want to high kick all the way to dance class. I’m so excited to get my moon boot off and be able to dance again. Maybe we could start our own cheer squad. Who’s keen? 

Biohacks I’m Loving

I’m always on the lookout for ways to optimize my health, so my latest biohacking obsessions are:

  • Red Light Therapy (Bon Charge) – I’ve been using this on my broken ankle, and it’s been a lifesaver. Red light therapy is known for helping with healing, and I’ve been really noticing the benefits. If you want to give it a try, you can use my code Melissa for 15% off everything at Bon Charge.
  • Hydrogen Breathing Machine – This one might sound a bit wild, but trust me — the energy boost I’ve felt since using it has been incredible. It’s all about flooding your body with hydrogen for better recovery and overall vitality. Use the code Melissa for 20% off if you’re curious to try it!
  • I’m OBSESSED with my Hydrogen Health Water Bottle — seriously, it’s always by my side. And bonus, you can get 20% off with code Melissa. Staying hydrated has never felt so good.

Hobbies I’m Exploring

Like I mentioned before, I lived in Paris for a year when I was 20 and danced at the Moulin Rouge!

During that time, I didn’t learn much more than the basics of French, like how to order my favorite Nutella crepe each day and ask where the bathroom is. 

It’s been years since then, and I realized how much I missed speaking the language, so I’ve made a commitment to upgrade my French skills and I’m loving it so far. 

Skincare I’m Loving

Taking care of my skin is a top priority, and I’ve been loving these two all-natural brands:

  • Terra Tonics – This has become a non-negotiable in my skincare routine. Their products are all about clean, natural ingredients that actually work. Use the code Melissa for 15% off.
  • Wild Crafted Organics – Another brand I’m hooked on. If you’re after simple, effective skincare that nourishes without the fuss, this is the one. Use the code Melissa10 for 10% off.

Life Lessons I’m Being Schooled In This Year

Life has thrown me some curveballs this year, and I’m definitely re-learning a few big lessons, like…

  • Slowing down — Being pregnant and breaking my ankle has forced me to slow down in a way I never expected. Honestly, it feels like the Universe stepped in and said, “Hey Melissa, it’s time to lay down and rest more.” I’ve learned that there’s so much value in embracing a slower pace, even when it’s not what you originally planned.
  • Don’t take things personally – Most of the time, people’s actions and words have way more to do with them than with us. Letting go of the need to take things personally has brought me so much peace, and it’s helped me stay focused on what really matters: my own well-being and happiness, my family, and growing the little one inside of me.

What’s Back On My Vision Board In a Big Way!

For a long time, I haven’t felt the pull to travel. 

With a young child and all that comes with this season of life, I just wasn’t that excited about packing up and flying around the world (a huge shift from my pre-baby, travel-obsessed days!). 

But recently, I’ve felt that spark reigniting, and I’m thrilled to welcome back my inner travel bug. 

The two destinations currently gracing my vision board are: 

  • Costa Rica – We’re planning a trip to visit friends next year, and I can’t wait! Have you been? Please share all your tips with me.
  • Greece – For my 40th birthday in 2026, I’m dreaming of spending 2-3 months island-hopping. Who wants to come?!

So there you have it — a peek into what I’m loving and doing right now. 

I hope some of these recommendations bring a little joy, inspiration, or even a new obsession into your life!

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Are you up to date with my latest podcast episodes?

Episode #617: Warning: The Heartbreaking Reality Of Child Sacrifice & Human Trafficking | Peter Sewakiryanga

Episode #616: 3 Times I Changed My Mind In My Business & The Unexpected Success That Followed

Episode #615: How To Deal With Narcissists & Beating Bullies | Rebecca Zung

Episode #614: Big News! I’m pregnant & Sharing All The Details With You (No Holds Barred!)

Til next time, sending so much love,

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Hi Gorgeous, I'm Melissa.

Multiple bestselling author, #1 podcast host and TEDx speaker.



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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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