melissa ambrosini, health, wealth, love

The One Thing That’s Stopping You From Manifesting Your Desires







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I had a client once who used to always say she couldn’t afford things — from little stuff, like the occasional green juice at her local organic cafe, right through to big stuff like the overseas trip she’d been dreaming of for years. You can probably guess exactly what happened: despite having a good job and a decent income, she manifested precisely what she kept on saying, and was never able to afford what she desired.

I had another client who always complained that she could never lose weight… and of course, that was exactly what she manifested — despite the fact that she busted her tush at the gym every day and was subsisting only on salads and protein.

Another client repeatedly told me that she wasn’t smart enough and didn’t have the funds to start her dream business… and as a result, that became her reality, and she’s still never managed to get her dream biz off the ground.

And then there was Sarah, another one of my beautiful clients, who used to constantly talk about how tired she was and how stressful her job was, then could never understand why she never experienced vitality.

Can you spot the pattern here?

It’s easy to identify this kind of negative ‘manifesting mojo’ in others, but it can be a lot harder to see it in ourselves. Yet the reality is, if you’re not living the life of your dreams, there are areas of your life where you are unwittingly and unconsciously manifesting some seriously bad juju for yourself and your life.

You see, we are manifesting our life moment to moment. It’s an undeniable and unavoidable law of the Universe. Every word you speak AND every thought you think is an intention you are putting out into the cosmos. And guess what? The Universe is listening… constantly and intently!!

So beautiful, it’s time to do a little stock-take on what you are putting out there. Because I want you to live your best life. I want you to be wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy, and bursting with love. And in order for you to do that, you must master that Mean Girl voice inside your head.

The words you speak and the thoughts you think are SO powerful. They create your reality.

Take the below quiz to see how you’re doing. Answer yes or no to the following questions…

Are you someone who says:

I can’t afford…

I will never…

I can’t achieve…

I can’t start…

That won’t work because…

I am not …….. enough

That doesn’t happen for people like me…

I’ll never be able to ..….. until I…

I’m just someone who’ll always be…

It’s in my genes to be…

I never had a chance because…

I’ve just always been bad at…

If you recognize any of this language from your own inner (or outer) dialogue, it’s time to become super conscious of your thoughts and words and learn how to master your inner Mean Girl.

Thinking the thought ‘I am not [fill in the blank] enough’ is bad as it is, let alone saying it out loud for the whole world (and Universe) to hear. So sista, it’s time to become aware of everything that comes out of your mouth. Before you speak, take a moment. Breathe before your words come out, and make sure you are speaking from your heart and not your head. This will save you loads of stress and stop you from uttering things you may wish you didn’t say.

It’s also crucial to take responsibility for your part and how you are showing up. There’s no point blaming everyone else for how your life is turning out. You are the one in the driver’s seat, and if you don’t like the path you’re taking, you’re the only one who can change that.

So sweetheart, for one last time, share with me in the comments below all the things you either think or say to yourself that you want to let go of. Don’t hold back. Now is the time to seriously commit to letting these go. They are not serving you any more. Your dream life is waiting, beautiful, and the dress rehearsal is over… so take action now!

As always, thank you so much for sharing so openly and honestly in the comments below. I appreciate how dedicated you are to your growth and evolution.


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  1. Eve says:

    Thanks Melissa, I loved reading this article! Big fan of your blog! Just sharing my thoughts on this: I always wonder how it really works… that mean girl take over moment. As most of the time all I feel is inspiration, energy, vitality, joy and having so many great ideas and from one moment (I have a business which is going really well!) to the other the inner mean girl can take over and everything I do seems irrelevant and she speaks to me like: you shouldn’t think so big why would you… it’s selfish to be so busy with the things you love while your closest family members are struggling with more important things in life… you’ll never be good enough… who are you to do this… you look horrible (my head knows I don’t but it sure feels like it when inner mean girl is working it) etc etc. It makes me restless in life in general and it feels like it keeps me from growing as fast/connected as I would love. Does it have to do with a lack of good self-worth/love foundation and does it need deeper self-work? Or is it ‘simply’ choosing love every moment? PS. I will do your challenge Melissa, it sounds amazing! xo Eve

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Eve,

      Firstly, have you read my book Mastering Your Mean Girl yet? I think you will get a lot of out it.

      It all comes back to mastering your Mean Girl in every moment and choose love over fear. That is how you will master your Mean Girl thoughts and live the life of your dreams. It’s a very simple concept but not always a piece of cake right! But you CAN do it! Does that all make sence honey?

    • Alyssa says:

      Eve! You worded my feelings perfectly. I feel like I’ve been on the same path, with so much more of the negative chatter coming in in recent months. I felt relief seeing that I wasn’t alone. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Kirstin says:

    I am SO ready to let go of my thoughts that I don’t earn enough money and will never get my business off the ground, and also that I’ll never lose weight. Ugh, so much heaviness in those words. They are not serving me, time to drop them. Our thoughts and beliefs are so powerful, I can’t wait to see what unfolds as I let these old ones go.

  3. Christine says:

    Thank you Melissa. Your articles that pop up into my Inbox inspire me so much. I am also three quarters of the way through your book and am learning so much from it. I have been struggling with a decision I made 2 years ago, and was blaming the people I love most and always being in a foul mood because I wasn’t happy like I expected to be. Like you mention above, I am in the drivers seat and I’ve got no one else to blame for my unhappiness but myself! I have a long way to go, but I have decided to let go and stop dwelling on the things that make me depressed. It’s time to be happy and to be a person everyone wants to be around because I inspire them! 🙂 xoxo

  4. Katie says:

    Thanks for posting that Melissa! I’m pretty shocked right now to realise I say nearly ALL of those negative things to myself. Gosh, what a wake up call. Thanks again 🙂

    P.S. Is there a release date for the audio version of your book yet?

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Katie,

      It’s time to let them all go right now. You can do it!

      The audio book will be out March 22nd 😉 I’m so excited to share it with you.


  5. Alana says:

    Need to let go of “I can’t afford” and the “I’m
    Not confident enough” to then believe in my emotional compass and dreams then positive will happen!

  6. Jules says:

    I dont have enough time
    I dont have enough money
    I wish I was married
    I want more time together
    I am tired
    I resent my ex
    I struggle with baggage from the past
    I fear I wont be enough for my partner

    • Melissa says:

      It’s time to let these go Jules and start to live your truth. These are no longer serving you. The time is now! You CAN do it!

  7. Such a great post Mel! I have gotten a lot better at catching these thoughts and turning them around once I became aware of them. It really makes a difference when you stop this negative self talk and turn them around to say “YES I CAN” xx

  8. Kellie says:

    I keep saying to myself that I can’t shift these last 5-7kg. And guess what? That’s what I’m experiencing… this constant not being able to shift the kilos. Definitely need to reframe my thoughts! Thanks for the reminder 🙂

  9. Alexia says:

    One of the biggest thing I think I “manifested” is always having not enough money. It’s hard to because in reality, there are many things I can’t afford yet. What can I do in this situation? xoxo

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Alexia,

      Thanks for your questions. I would start but stopping saying that and stopping putting that out into the universe. Try that for 3 weeks. Catch yourself every single time you go to say ‘I can’t afford X,Y and Z’ and stop your Mean Girl in her tracks. Start there for 3 weeks then let me know how you feel?

      Report back beautiful 😉

  10. tash says:

    This could not have come at a better time!

    I have been manifesting a date with this guy who I have such strong feelings for. I thought it, I felt it, I believed it, I spoke it, I saw it, I wrote it in the sand, I said it to the ocean. I truly believed it. When the day came around he apologised but something had come up and it didn’t happen. I completely believed in myself and my manifesting and that it would happen. And it hasn’t.

    I can not shake these feelings. There is just some magical energy about him that is constantly drawing me to him. This feeling is rare for me.

    I do not know where I went wrong with my manifesting. But now I feel I am back where I started because I doubted myself after I was denied.

    I am trying my hardest to stay positive but today I feel a bit down.

    I am not sure where to go from here because I do not want to give up xxx

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Tash,

      Were you coming from Love or fear? Sometimes we ‘think’ we are manifesting from love but it’s actually out of fear of not having the things we desire.

      Also, did you go into this with expectations that he was ‘the one’? Whenever we have expectations we will always be disappointed.

      Does that make sense honey? How does that feel for you?

  11. Eilsy says:

    Hi Mel,

    I’ve read your book and you’re so very inspiring and beautiful!
    Thank you for posting this, it has taken me a while to kick this one into gear with my negative thinking about a friend but I’m now choosing to be more conscious of my words and thoughts and focus on my positive thoughts and what I’m putting out to the Universe!

    Love Eilsy. Xxx
    P.S. You’re just fabulous!

  12. Melissa says:

    Only last week did I realise that since childhood if a boy or man (now) did not ask me out or acknowledge me I would think ‘I am unlovable’. I am extremely loved and have done so much self love work so was surprised when I was in a bar recently that this thought came up for me. I intend on having a good chat in meditation to my inner child and letting her know that she is enough exactly how she is and does not need validation from anyone external.

  13. Than says:

    Hi Melissa 🙂 Hope you are doing fine <3 As usual your posts are such an inspiration and a gentle reminder of how we create our own path and not flow without knowing what we are doing!|
    I always blame myself when something slips out of my control and I usually say : how stupid i am! How could i do such a mistake? I'm just good for nothing!
    When I was not losing weight I blamed it on my genes and thought that was a great explanation to myself but in reality there was nothing to do with genes..
    once I started noticing what I ate and exercised I lost 6kg! Lately I was finding it difficult to exercise but your advice boosted me again 🙂
    At work, I told myself I would never be as good and experienced as my dad is.. how I wished I could be like him and do my work well..but i was only saying all the things that I found bad in my life and you are right , by behaving like this I only manifested the negative things not the positive ones that I wanted to achieve.

    Thank you a lot for such a nice reminder on the power of manifestation 🙂

  14. Olivia says:

    Hey Melissa,
    I totally get what you mean here about how potent words and thoughts are!
    However, when you are hauled up with chronic fatigue and difficult symptoms, plus in my case, your brother has recently taken his life, are you supposed to deny how you actually feel and only speak positively about the situation even when its extremely tough?
    i struggle with the concept that you cant be low and sad when you life is seriously challenging and hard. dont you need to feel what you need to feel?
    i also think that the concept that you are manifesting every still thing must be flawed, that would mean i had manifested my brothers death? do you see what i mean?
    hope to hear back,
    with love- olivia xxxx

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Olivia,

      Thanks for your great questions.

      Firstly, absolutely you need to feel everything that comes up for you 100%. That’s part of the process, but there comes a point where you can make a choice to let something go. Last year my best friend passed away and I cried and cried and cried and cried but then it got to a point where I decided to let go of the sadness and remember the love. That doesn’t mean I still don’t feel sad. I do, but I don’t let it take over my life. There’s a difference.

      Even those losing my best friend last year was the hardest thing I have ever been through I trust it’s all unfolding the way it’s supposed to. The universe has a divine plan and my role is to show up each moment fully and whole. That’s all I can do. That’s all we can all do.

      Does that make sense honey?

  15. CJ says:

    I can’t afford to live on my own (even though I would like to), and to have the luxuries in life I want.
    I will not meet a partner in my current town, this is just not the right town for that.
    People don’t respect me.
    I don’t have many good friends.
    I have to please others instead of my self.
    It is hard to meet new people.
    I used to be creative but I am not any more.
    I have always been a bit of an ice queen.
    I just get really tired sometimes and have little energy.
    I can get so stressed it makes me physically ill.

    • Melissa says:

      Thanks for sharing Cj. It’s time to let all these go and start to live the life of YOUR dreams. There is no more dress rehearsal your dream life is waiting beautiful 😉

  16. A says:

    Hi Melissa! My main negative thought I struggle with is something along the lines of “I don’t deserve/will never get the man of my dreams!” After reading your book and many other self-help/inspiring books and websites, I have finally come to realise there is nothing wrong with me, and that the right person will love me for exactly who I am and will accept the things that could be improved upon. I do think I can be impatient, but I accept that as part of who I am and actually think it should kind of be celebrated, cos I don’t really want life to go by quickly without me getting what I want!
    All you say is true about manifesting what you want by changing your thinking to positive thoughts and preparing your mind for exactly what you want to come right in! I am not sure if it was you or another clever person who said something about our minds being like gardens, and beautiful flowers can’t grow in unfertilised, dry soil. We need to prepare the soil first before they can grow properly. So in the same way we need healthier, positive-thinking brains that can grow the best thoughts which in turn naturally bring in the best life experiences.
    I hope and like to think (one day soon will truly believe, rather than just have glimpses of true belief) that my person will come along. I also believe we probably have multiple people or more than one “the one”, so there’s that, too. I know that timing plays a huge part, and that it serves me best to work on myself before somebody else, at all times!!! So if I ever find myself losing myself in somebody else (again), I need to lean back into myself.
    Okay that went on too long… But I obviously needed to get it out! Can’t thank you enough Melissa, thank you.

    • Melissa says:

      You’re so welcome honey. I am proud of how far you have come. Keep going now and be conscious of your dialogue ie ‘I will accept the things that could be improved upon’. Remember you are perfect exactly the way you are. That doesn’t mean you can’t work on yourself but remember you are already perfect 😉

  17. Vanessa says:

    Hi Melissa
    Firstly thank you for you. Your guidance and inspiration tells me there is a way to achieve my dream life and that there is light for everyone.
    With determination, I have seriously yanked my mean girl into place showing her where she stands, a lot of the time, however she does show up now and again.
    “Your a single mum, and a solo provider, you can’t give up your job, how will you support your daughter”
    “How will you afford rent if you don’t work full time. How can you possibly study part time if you don’t have an income”
    “You will be too exhausted to work full time and study in your free time, it’s not possible”
    “How can you possibly live in today’s society without an income”
    So at times I feel stuck because I’ve been in my comfortable corporate role for 11 years and it’s hard to take the leap. I immediately turn it around to say “it CAN happen”, “take it step by step, and opportunities will arise”, “the universe supports you”..
    Things are not easy for this Mama so all I have is the affirmations and trust that I will be able to just take the leap of faith and start at the bottom again to have my dream career, relationships and health

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Vanessa,

      Thank you so much for sharing these. It’s now time to let these go once and for all. Have you read my book Mastering Your Mean Girl yet? I think you will love it. Have a read and let me know your thoughts.

      And be conscious of our dialogue ‘start at the bottom again to have my dream career, relationships and health’. Who say’s you have to start from the bottom? Maybe you start in the middle? 😉

  18. Catherine says:

    I commit to stop saying or thinking things like … Who do you think you are, you will never make it to your dream life, you will never feel energized like others around you, you are so boring, you will never inspire anyone, this is so hard and too expensive … Oh my gosh, so much stuff I hadn’t realized I still need to let go of. Thank you for this exercise Melissa. Xx

  19. Elizabeth says:

    I wish all of us learned at a young age the ramifications of negative self talk, and how the ego sabotages our desires and dreams! Reprogramming our thoughts through positive affirmations and routines can really break the cycle. Can’t wait to read your new book btw!

    • Melissa says:

      I agree honey. Imagine a class at school on self-love and confidence?! How amazing would that be!

      Enjoy Mastering Your Mean Girl. I can’t wait to hear what you think 😉

  20. Amanda says:

    I need more confidence! Sometimes I feel confident but then it all comes crashing down. How can I maintain it? Definitely affecting my work.

    • Melissa says:

      Great question Amanda. Have you read my book Mastering Your Mean Girl yet? I think you would get loads out of it especially around building your confidence.

      Have a read and let me know how you feel.


      • Amanda says:

        Yep I’ve almost finished it, it’s really great. I’ll read it again when I’m finished just to make sure I’m taking it all in. Would meditation help?

      • Melissa says:

        Hell yeah, honey! Meditation is key. Have you tried it before? If not, you could check out my guided meditations. I think you will love them and they are a great place to start.

        Let me know how you go and if you have any questions.


  21. Katie says:

    Hello, Melissa 🙂 thank you for this post; it came at the perfect time (as always!) I am about to become a first time mama, and while I am over the moon excited, deep down I am terrified and wondering if I will be good enough for my child. You see, my mother was not a mother at all; she was terribly selfish, caused nothing but pain in our home and then left for good when I was 9. Somehow, deep in my soul, I fear that I will somehow be the same, even though I know that’s insane because my mother and I could not be more opposite. This one small, mad idea that I might not be a good mom due to my own mother’s mistakes has led to self limiting thoughts in every area of my life, such as my career, my body, my marriage, etc. ALL of those limiting thoughts: “I’ll never” or “That doesn’t happen for people like me”, all of them that you listed in your post are things that go through my head regularly nowadays. As I said before, your post came at a perfect time; yesterday, on my way home from work, I burst into tears wondering why things have been going so wrong in my life lately, why have things been so hard, there’s no ease or flow. I asked for the universe to show me and to help me get back on track, and then this morning, I opened my email to your blog post! I am responsible for manifesting this negativity in my life! I refuse to let it carry on as I don’t want this precious baby to come in to the world with a stressed out, miserable mama! I am so thankful for you, Melissa! I can’t wait to read your book! I live in the States, so my pre-order will be coming my way soon! Have a beautiful, blessed day!

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Katie,

      Thank you so much for your comment. I can’t wait for you to read Mastering Your Mean Girl, you’re going to LOVE it!

      Firstly, want to acknowledge you for being so aware of your Mean Girl, her thoughts and behaviours and for also wanting to choose love instead. Well done!

      Awareness is the first step in mastering your Mean Girl so I am super proud of you for being there. The next step is gently closing the door on her. And the third step is choose love instead. Follow that simple three step process and you will be well on your way to mastering your Mean Girl. It’s a very simple process but it takes day by day, moment to moment commitment. It’s not something you can do once and then be enlightened, it’s a moment to moment process, which even I still practice daily.

      Sound good?!

      I also want to remind you that what ever you don’t heal within yourself you pass on down to your children so if you want to be the example for your bubba you have got to take inspired action right now. The time is NOW! Make a commitment to yourself right now to master your Mean Girl and live your best life. You CAN do it!


  22. Methma says:

    Melissa, is it too late to join your tribe now? I would love to be coached by you. Sending you positive vibes✨

  23. Sarah says:

    Hi Melissa, I’ve gotten myself stuck in a rut lately. I took the leap and moved from the uk to Australia and I’m trying to get sponsored ATM, but I’m not passionate about my job in sales here but I’m trying to use your words of wisdom to not think of it like that and accept this is a positive path to get to what I want and in two years when I get my PR I can do what I’m passionate about. 🙂

    I’ve spent the last few months with anxiety and clashing with my bf bringing up past issues. I’ve not got a social group of close friends as people are always coming and going. But I’ve started reading your book and I’m adamant to change even without that support network there. I’ve been so negative and only just realised how bad I’ve been. I complain about negative stuff all the time and that never used to be me! No wonder I’ve been clashing with my bf. This is my rut, nothing to do with him, our past or the future. I have realised with thanks to you that only I can pull myself out. I’m living in a lovely country, Have a supporting Bf and the opportunity most would kill for. Here’s to focussing on the good!

    Thanks for all the help and inspiration.

  24. Emily says:

    Hi Melissa,

    I have just started reading ‘Mastering Your Mean Girl’ after hitting my rock bottom. Loving it so far!

    I wrote down all the negative phrases I say and then switched them to a positive intention. I can not tell you how light and uplifting it felt already to just switch the intention. It truly lit something inside of me, and my whole body softened.

    Wow! Can not wait to read the rest of your book and to start living again!

    No turning back!

  25. Rae says:

    I’ve gotten better at catching my Mean Girl thanks to your stellar book, but the main thoughts I still catch most often are…

    I can’t afford to…travel, live on my own
    I’ve just always been really bad at… managing money
    I’ll never be able to find the right man until I lose weight
    (that one is truly ridiculous)
    I’m not… accomplished, pretty, smart… enough
    (again, ridiculous)

    I love your emails 🙂 Thanks for the tactics, help, love and inspiration.

  26. Sarah Taylor says:

    Hey Melissa, I actually came across your blog yesterday and it was like a light went off. My soul was completely drawn to your site and when your book is released here in Canada (March 22nd) I will be running out to get it! I am definitely a mean girl to myself. I have never really fully loved me or who I am in my own skin. I have gone through two bouts of eating disorders and am finding in my thirties I am much more aware of my mean girl. I am VERY aware I am always in lack because I always think lack and I am aware that I don’t feel healthy, vibrant or beautiful in my body because I don’t speak very well to myself. I know all of these things, yet here I am still looking for the answers to heal myself and finally love myself. It really is a lifetime journey. xo

    • Melissa says:

      Hey beautiful Sarah,

      Oh boy you are going to LOVE my book. I am so excited for you to get your hand on it and to hear your thoughts. Keep me posted angel <3

  27. Kimberly says:

    Hi Melissa, I have started reading your book (it looks and reads beautifully). I have been at my rock bottom for several years now, and negativity has completely taken over my life. I am always searching for a way out and purchased your book a few weeks back but have only just started reading it. In the past, I was running my own gym for women and was feeling great, positive and totally inspired. Women looked to me for advice and inspiration. After losing that business (and everything I own) I am struggling to get back on my feet and enjoy life once again. I am crying as I type because I am overwhelmed by how much damage I have done to myself from being negative and full of self-hatred and blame.

    I must take this journey and completely squash my mean girl before she completely consumes me!

    Thank you,

    K xx

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Kimberly,

      Oh boy, I can’t wait for you to finish my book, it’s going to be super powerful for you. Have a read and let me know once you’re done.

      And remember you always have a choice and today you can choose love over fear. Go on beautiful you can do it 😉

  28. Laila says:

    Hello Melissa.
    I just wanted to tell you I am so grateful about all the love and light you are spreading with your life and particularly with this website. It is really breathtaking how you are even taking the time for reading and answering each of the comments so throughly. Your kindness and compassion is astonishing! Thank you so much for being such an inspiration 🙂

    • Melissa says:

      Naw you’re so welcome Laila, I LOVE having you part of the part. Thank you for being you and thank you for being here 😉


  29. Laura says:


    I just listened to your interview with Sean Croxton! It was so inspiring.

    Looking back I feel like a lot of the anxiety I’ve dealt with over the years was manifested by myself and my ‘glass half empty’ attitude. It saddens me to come to this realization. I feel I continue to hold myself and my family back by saying things like “We can’t afford that” or “We’ll never be able to move to California” or “I can’t apply for that position, I don’t have enough experience”.

    I can’t wait to start reading your book and developing the tools I need to tell my mean girl to go take a hike!

    Thank you!

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Laura,

      How exciting that you have come to that realisation now and you can NOW make a shift. Very exciting!

      I am also so excited for you to read my book and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts.

      Keep me posted beautiful!


  30. Romy says:

    Hi Melissa, this is a fantastic article, thank you! I am halfway through your audio book at the moment and it has made such a huge difference in just the few days that i’ve been reading it.

    I know you’re probably very busy so I understand if you don’t have time to answer this question amongst many others!

    The one thing I always seem to struggle with is my finances. I took the plunge to start my own business a few years ago, and I never seem to be able to get on top financially! I had to take a part time job after 2 years to help support myself, which discourages me further. I do a lot of reading about changing my attitude and I “know” all the steps I need to take, and changes I need to make to get my head in the right place to allow . But it’s very difficult to do this when my courageous attempt at living my dream isn’t working out! I always start off on the right foot and ignore my inner mean girl for a couple of weeks but then slowly she creeps back into my inner dialogue and I start to feel defenceless again. To the point where sometimes, I nearly throw in the towel with my dream business.

    My question is, is it just a matter of persisting and being consciously aware of my thoughts until it comes naturally? After all these years, does it come naturally to you to be positive, or do you have to work on it every day to make sure you’re not letting that mean girl sneak in with her two cents?

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Romy,

      Thank you so much for your comment beautiful. Please see my answers below…

      Is it just a matter of persisting and being consciously aware of my thoughts until it comes naturally? Yes honey, mastering your Mean Girl is a daily moment to moment practice and the more you practice it the more fluid it becomes. It’s like going to the gym, you have to go every day if you want a tight booty 😉 Does that make sense?

      After all these years, does it come naturally to you to be positive, or do you have to work on it every day to make sure you’re not letting that mean girl sneak in with her two cents? Yes, it is a lot more natural to me now because I have been doing it for sooooo long however I still have to catch myself daily and master my Mean Girl every single day. It’s a journey honey there is no destination.

      Keep at it honey, master your Mean Girl every single day and don’t let her stop you from following your dreams.

      What do you think?

      • Romy says:

        That all makes perfect sense yes! Thank you, and thank you so much for replying. Really helps to know it will not be a struggle forever. I need to just do something every day to keep it top of mind so I don’t let her sneak back in! Your meditations are wonderful I’m going to try and do them everyday as a starting point 🙂

  31. Sarah says:

    Hi Melissa,
    I am about a 1/4 of the way through your book, i am really really enjoying it and feel like you have written it just for me – thank you 🙂 (i know this is not the case but how powerful are you to make a person feel like this?!) i guess what seems to happen to me is that when i get on a role it feels as though something always happens to throw me off course, i guess i am learning that these are life’s lessons and i should take the lesson however its hard sometimes to keep getting back on the horse.
    My husband and i are beginning our own business from scratch and obviously its a bumpy road at times!! My mean girl starts with things like ‘of course this happened, thats just what happened to you’. ‘You are never really going to get there – strange that you think your so close!!’ – she can be such a cow!!

    I have just downloaded your free mediations today and i think these will help me a lot – i am aiming to start with one a day and build up.

    Light & Love

    • Melissa says:

      That’s it Sarah, start with baby steps and go from there and remember it’s a daily commitment. Every little baby step each day matters. You can do it sista!

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Melissa is a multiple bestselling  author, #1 podcast host and speaker.

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