Melissa Ambrosini

Are You Neglecting Your Most Valuable Business Asset? (Hint: It’s You!)





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Ever felt like you have to hustle 24/7 to succeed in your business?

Or ignored your body’s warning signs in the name of getting more done?

You’re not alone — so many entrepreneurs fall into this trap. But here’s what I learned the hard way: burnout is real, and if YOU are not at your best, neither is your business.

Press play to learn why putting yourself first isn’t just a luxury — it’s the smartest, most game-changing move you can make for your business.

In this episode we chat about:

  • The real reason why you’re the most important asset in your business (0:56)
  • Why taking care of your health is a powerful success hack (2:57)
  • Why boundaries are your new secret weapon(4:43)
  • The crucial thing to invest in if you want to be a leader in your industry (6:35)

Episode resources:

  • SheLaunch (join here)
  • Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini (book)
  • Time Magic by Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst (book)
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[00:00:00] In episode 618, I’m going to be sharing with you the three self care strategies that enhance both your business and your life. You do not want to miss this. Let’s dive in. Welcome to the Melissa Ambrosini Show. I’m your host, Melissa, best selling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, Open Wide, Comparisonitis, And time magic.

And I’m here to remind you that love is sexy, healthy is liberating, and wealthy isn’t a dirty word. Each week I’ll be getting up close and personal with thought leaders from around the globe, as well as your weekly dose of motivation so that you can create epic change in your own life and become the best version of yourself possible.

Are you ready? Beautiful. Beautiful.

Hey, beautiful and welcome back to the show. Today I have a question for you and that is, are you [00:01:00] neglecting your most valuable business asset? And just a little hint, your most valuable business asset is you, my friend. Now, in my early entrepreneur days, I used to think that pouring every waking hour into my business was the only way to succeed.

That is what I was taught. That is what I was modeled from my parents. And I love them so much, but that is not how I want to live my life. Now I would skip meals. I would sacrifice sleep and ignore the stress signals that my body was sending me. Can you relate to any of that? I know you can, my friends. I know you can.

Now it wasn’t until I faced a serious case of burnout that I realized a crucial lesson. And that lesson is I am my most important asset, me, in life and in business. Now so many entrepreneurs, they overlook this fact, but there’s no getting around it. If you are not functioning at your best, neither will your business.

If you are [00:02:00] not thriving in your business and your life, you cannot show up as the best version of yourself, period. You just can’t. Now it’s so easy to forget that. Amongst the hustle. You know, there’s that hustle culture, which I do not subscribe to, but if you want to unlock new levels of success, it is essential to remind yourself and to remember that you are your most valuable asset.

Okay. Now here’s the truth. You need to invest in yourself just as much. If not even more than you invest in your business. Trust me, this is so important. So let’s dive into why treating yourself as the most important asset in your business and life is not just good self care, it’s a smart business strategy.

Okay. So I’ve got three self care strategies to enhance your business. Grab your pen and paper and let’s write these down. Or you can put them in the notes section of your phone to revisit them whenever you need. Okay. So number one, prioritize your [00:03:00] health, both physically and mentally, not just physically, not just mentally, but both.

So just like you wouldn’t run a car without changing the oil, you can’t expect to run your business effectively if you’re not taking care of your health. So start simple, like get enough sleep. I was actually chatting to my acupuncturist, who’s a good friend of mine. We were chatting about this yesterday.

I was laying on the bed, getting acupuncture, and we were talking about how most people aren’t even doing the low hanging fruits. We talk about this in Time Magic a lot. The low hanging fruits, like getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, clean water, getting outside, laughter, connection with your loved ones, and incorporating movement into your daily life.

Like these are the low hanging fruits, the basics, the things that are free for you to But so many people, they want the latest biohack or whatever it is, but they’re not even doing the basic low hanging fruits. So I want you to start simple. I want you to [00:04:00] make sure your sleep is dialed in. Is it? Give yourself a rating out of 10.

Are you eating nutritious real food? Are you drinking clean water? Are you getting outside every day? Are you laughing? Are you connecting with your loved ones? Are you moving your body? Okay? And please do not overlook your mental health. Like the entrepreneurial journey is a rollercoaster of highs and lows, but maintaining your mental and emotional health is crucial for enduring those lows and thriving in the highs.

So make sure that you are meditating, doing breath work, journaling, therapy, or whatever takes care of your mental health. Whatever it is for you, just do that daily, but make sure you’re taking care of your physical and your mental health. Okay. Number two, set healthy boundaries and stick to them. Now this might be one of the hardest things to do, especially when you love what you do, but setting healthy boundaries is crucial for long term success.

And if you’re not sure where to start, decide on the hours [00:05:00] that you want to work. What times are reserved for family and self care? And stick to these boundaries. Guard these boundaries with everything you’ve got. And it sends a signal to yourself and others that your time and your well being are valuable and precious.

Literally yesterday we were having a meeting with one of our business coaches and he said, is there anything you need to change in terms of your time in your business? Like, are you both working nights? Are you working weekends? And Nick and I both looked at each other and we’re like, no, we are so adamant about this.

Like we have very good boundaries. It would be very easy for us to work all night. Seriously, we could work till midnight. There’s so many things that we could be doing. We could work on the weekends, but since having Bambi, we have drawn a very, very firm line in the sand. We are so good with our boundaries.

Like she goes to bed at seven and we might wrap up a few things after that. Like just make sure all of our slacks are done and any emails that are urgent. We might do a little bit, but then it’s time for us. And [00:06:00] then we’re in bed by eight o’clock pretty much every single night. And I’m mostly asleep by around eight 30.

The other night I was asleep by eight. This is how we thrive. And so I want you to write down all of the boundaries that you need to set in your business and in your personal life and stick to them. And this is something that often my friends comment on. They’re like, you are so good with your boundaries and some people, it triggers them because they want that yet.

They’re not doing it. Work out what you want and create a healthy boundary around that and stick to it. Okay. And then the third self care strategy to enhance your business is continuous learning and growth. Investing in your education isn’t a luxury. It is a necessity. Now, if you want to be anywhere near the top of your industry, you need to keep growing and learning.

Now, this could mean doing a course or personal development workshops, reading books that expand your thinking or listening to informative podcasts, basically anything that stretches [00:07:00] you and teaches you new things. And this also doesn’t have to cost any money. Yes, going to workshops and doing courses cost money, like investing in SheLaunch that costs money.

You can go to the library and you can loan books for free and you can listen to podcasts for free. So there is no excuse here. Okay. And I’ve got a little action step for you, a little inspo action, and that is to dedicate time each week to learn something new, not just about your industry, but about any area that sparks your interest.

This will grow and expand your mind. Okay. So let’s just do a little recap on the three self care strategies to enhance your business. Number one, prioritize your health, both physically and mentally. Set healthy boundaries and stick to them is number two. And number three is continuous learning and growth.

I have a question for you. What would you do differently this week? If you truly believe that you were your most valuable [00:08:00] asset, maybe you would turn off your phone an hour earlier each day, or you would take that yoga class that you have been thinking about, or finally book that vacation, whatever it is, start small.

But just start treating yourself like the asset that you are. Okay. And the return on investment is clear. Better health, better decisions, and a better and more thriving business and life. I truly hope that you got a lot out of this. And if you did, please subscribe and follow the show. And if you haven’t already, leave me a review on Apple podcast, because that means that we can inspire and educate even more people together.

And I can also keep getting on amazing guests on the show for you. Now, if there’s someone in your life that you can think of that would really benefit from this episode, if you’ve got a business bestie, please share it with them right now, you can take a screenshot, share it on your social media, email it to them, text it to them.

Do whatever you’ve got to do to get this in their ears. [00:09:00] And until next time, don’t forget that love is sexy, healthy is liberating and wealthy isn’t a dirty word.

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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