Leila Hormozi

Leila Hormozi | From Being Arrested Six Times To Earning $100M






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How do you go from being arrested six times to earning $100M — all before the age of 28?

That’s the remarkable story of today’s guest, Leila Hormozi. Together with her husband Alex, Leila runs a business empire that now rakes in over $200M annually. She’s an expert in scaling, operations and leadership, with a work ethic that’s the envy of entrepreneurs everywhere.

In this hugely inspiring conversation, we’re diving deep into a few critical questions: How do you build a wildly successful business? How do you program your mindset for success? And what does it *really* take to create the life of your dreams?

Press play to hear Leila’s epic insights on: what all successful CEOs have in common, her unconventional approach to hiring new team members, her unique strategies for consistent content creation, the daily habits that allow her to outperform her peers, how she coaches herself through tough moments, and why stepping outside your comfort zone is crucial for achieving your dreams.

Leila also gets personal, revealing how she and Alex handle millions of people being interested in their marriage. (Let me tell you, her stance on this is nothing short of inspiring.)

So grab a pen and paper — this episode is packed with valuable insights you won’t want to miss. Leila doesn’t just share knowledge; she hands over a complete blueprint for success that you’ll refer to over and over. It’s the kind of episode that can transform your life, so tune in now and get set to make some serious moves…and see serious results.

About Leila Hormozi

Over the last 7 years Leila Hormozi has started and scaled four 8-figure businesses, across four different industries. Leila is active CEO of Acquisition.com, a portfolio of companies which currently exceeds $200M/year in revenue. Leila is known for her expertise in scaling businesses by focusing on the people. She is passionate about mentorship, teaching CEOs how to build a company through praise rather than punishment, and creating workplace cultures that empower employees to work hard and enjoy what they do.

In this episode we chat about:

  • Her mind-blowing story: from being arrested 6 times to being the CEO of a wildly successful business portfolio (3:01)
  • How to build a CEO Mindset and experience more success in ALL areas of life (8:38)
  • How she hacks her thinking to program her brain for success (15:49)
  • How to build a supportive team that can take you to 6, 7 and even 8 figures (18:50)
  • Her epic strategies for creating highly engaging social media content (28:40)
  • The most common mistakes she sees people make when creating content (33:13)
  • Do you need to share your personal life on social media in order to be successful? (38:43)
  • How she and Alex handle their marriage being in the public eye (44:18)
  • How she coaches herself through self-doubt — and her unconventional approach to Imposter Syndrome (49:02)

Episode resources:

  • Mastering Your Mean Girl by Melissa Ambrosini  (book)
  • Open Wide by Melissa Ambrosini  (book)
  • Comparisonitis by Melissa Ambrosini  (book)
  • Time Magic by Melissa Ambrosini and Nick Broadhurst (book)
  • Pyramid of Success by John Wooden (website)
  • Leila Hormozi (Instagram)
  • Alex Hormozi (Instagram)
  • Beckham (documentary)
  • $100M Leads: How to Get Strangers to Want to Buy Your Stuff by Alex Hormozi (book)
  • $100M Offers: How to Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No by Alex Hormozi (book)
  • Gym Launch Secrets by Alex Hormozi (book)
  • Dr. Trevor Kashey (Instagram)
  • Unleash the Power Within: Personal Coaching to Transform Your Life! (audiobook)
  • Build with Leila Hormozi (podcast)
  • The Game w/ Alex Hormozi (podcast)
  • Leila Hormozi (youtube)
  • Alex Hormozi (youtube)

Thank you so much for listening. I’m so honored that you’re here and would be SO grateful if you could leave me a review on Apple podcasts, that way we can inspire and educate even more people together.

P.S. If you’re looking for a high-impact marketing opportunity for your business and are interested in becoming a sponsor for The Melissa Ambrosini Show podcast, please email pr@melissaambrosini.com for more information.

P.P.S. Please seek advice from a qualified holistic practitioner before starting any new health practice.

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