melissa ambrosini, manifest

Want To Manifest Your Dream Life In 2017? Read This.







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As the year slowly comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to stop, reflect, celebrate and get crystal clear on what you want to manifest for the year to come. That way, you can shimmy into the fresh new year with clarity, drive, and laser focus — all the juicy stuff that an epic, dreamy life is made of!

But before we look to the year ahead and start setting heart-centered goals and manifesting for the future, it’s imperative to begin by looking behind us. Reflection is a super-important piece of the puzzle because it allows us to re-align, tune in and ponder on our truth… so let’s get to it!

It’s easy to want to sprint through to the end of the year without stopping and taking a moment to acknowledge the year that’s been, all that you have achieved, and all the growth that’s taken place. In fact, I’ve heard a lot of people say they can’t wait for this year to be over, or that this year was their worst year yet. (I’ve even heard peeps refer to 2016 as ‘two thousand and shit-teen’!) Now sure, I understand you may have had a challenging year — but it’s all perfect. Everything always is! Everything is always unfolding the way it’s supposed to. So, before you write this year off as a total shit sandwich, please take a moment to reflect back… you may be pleasantly surprised.

So, my sweet friend — boil the kettle, whip out your journal, light a candle, or lay on your favourite rug outside and answer these questions with a wide open heart, because we’re about to celebrate the year that’s just been.


  • What were the 3 best things that happened over this past year?
  • What have you achieved/what are you most proud of?
  • What have you learned?
  • What have been your top 3 biggest realisations/lessons?
  • How have you grown?
  • What do you want to let go of? For example, an old limiting belief, a job, a person, a situation, a pattern, a painful memory, resentment, hurt or a behaviour you are still holding onto?
  • What limiting inner Mean Girl beliefs do you want to let go of?
  • What would you like to stop doing from last year?
  • Describe 2016 in 3 words?
  • What are you most grateful for from this year?

You still with me, sista? Great!

Now that we have reflected on the year that’s past, it’s time to ponder on the year ahead. Before we do that, it’s super important to do a little ceremony to clean the slate and lay a fresh foundation for your dreams to manifest. You can do that by performing a sage smudging cleansing ritual around yourself, home and office.

Remember, you have the ability to manifest and create whatever your heart desires in the new year… but it ain’t going to happen by just sitting back and wishing it to manifest! You gotta take inspired action daily, sista!

No amount of sitting back and wishing will make your dreams manifest. You have to take action.

It’s now time to let go of the past and ponder on the future. Close your eyes for a moment and think about the year to come. Once you have pondered for a few minutes, open your eyes and answer the below questions. You could even do one of my Mastering Your Mean Girl Meditations to help you get in the zone.


It’s super important that when you are setting goals that they tick the following criteria…

  1. They must be heart centred.
  2. They must inspire you.
  3. They must be true for you and not something you ‘think’ you ‘should’ achieve.
  4. You must use inspiring dialogue, ‘lose weight’ is not as inspiring as ‘wake up feeling health, strong and vital’. Same with ‘quit sugar’. Try something like, ‘treat my body like the temple it is and only nourish it with the most high vibrational food mother nature has to offer’.
  5. They must make your heart sing. If your goals don’t give you butterflies and excite the bejesus out of you then they aren’t right.
  6. They mustn’t overwhelm and stress you out.
  7. You must be crystal clean and super specific. ‘Find happiness’, or ‘find love’ and not specific enough. Try something like, ‘to remember that I am love and to feel that within myself daily’. Or ‘to wake up feeling inner happiness and peace daily’.

[Please note that if fear pops up and you get nervous in your tummy when setting your goals, this is a good sign. It’s means you’re on the right path.]

Ok, keeping the above in mind let’s dive in…

  • What are 6 words to best describe how you want to feel in 2017? For example: love, fearless, balance, connected, present, strong, health, expanded, focused, grateful, glow-y, abundant etc.?
  • What are 1-3 health goals you would like to achieve?
  • What are 1-3 career goals you would like to achieve?
  • What are 1-3 financial goals you would like to achieve?
  • What are 1-3 self love goals you would like to achieve?
  • What are 1-3 relationship goals you would like to achieve?
  • Do you want to travel this year? If yes, where do you want to go? Be as specific as possible. For example, I would love to travel to the Greek islands in June 2017 for 3 weeks with my husband to experience all the magic that place has to offer.
  • What are 2-3 hobbies that you would like to explore and make more time for next year?
  • What will you commit to not doing in 2017?
  • What will you make more time for?
  • How do you want to do things differently next year?
  • Create your 2017 Self Love Menu. What are 10 things you can add to your self love menu to fill yourself up? Please note I have a free Self Love Menu you can get here.
  • What does your ideal morning routine look like? Be as specific as possible.
  • What does your ideal day look like?
  • What does your self-loving night time ritual look like?
  • How can you give more to yourself next year? What would that look like specifically?
  • What is one word you want to describe 2017?

Now close your eyes and think about 2017. See it, feel it, experience it like it’s already happened. Use your imagination and let it play out. See yourself achieving your goals and manifesting your heart’s desires. What does that feel like? Who is around you? Take 10 more minutes or so to really allow yourself to future-trip here. Smile as you see yourself kicking goals, being surrounded by loved ones, and achieving what it is you want. High five yourself in your mind, and when you are finished your visualisation, move on to the next step…

2017 Affirmations

This is where you come up with 3 powerful statements that you will write out and stick around your house and office so that you can see them when times feel challenging and hard. For example…

Everything is unfolding exactly the way it’s supposed to.

This too shall pass.

I create my own reality; if I don’t like what I have created I can create again.

I am the one in the driver’s seat, I am responsible for my life and happiness.

I am responsible for creating my happiness and joy.

Letter To Your Future Self

Zoom ahead to December 31st 2017 and write a letter to yourself about all that has happened in 2017 and all that you have achieved. Start it off with something like this…

Dear Melissa,

WOW!!!!! 2017 has been epic! Mastering Your Mean Girl became a New York Times Bestseller, which means you have reached your goal of inspiring hundreds of thousands of women all over the world. Well done, sista! Etc etc…

This is not to be rushed so please take your time with this. Once you have finished pop it in an envelope, seal it, write your name on it and put it somewhere you won’t lose it. My hubby and I do this every year and love reading what we wrote out to each other on the 1st of January. It’s so insightful, heartwarming and actually quite mind blowing!

Most importantly, have fun with this. Because if it ain’t fun it ain’t worth it, sista!

As always, thank you so much for being here. Everything I do and create is with the utmost love and intention to serve you and your evolution. Thank you for those who have been avid MA followers since the beginning and welcome to those who are new to the MA Tribe, we are honoured to have you.

I have so many fun and exciting things planned for 2017 to help you… I will be writing book number two #YAY, launching an epic inspiring podcast #EXCITED, and creating some awesome changes to a few of my current products, which I know you are going to LOVE! I can’t wait to share it all with you.

Stay in touch over the holidays on social media. I will mostly be hanging out on Instagram and Facebook if you wanna come join the fun.

I am sending you and your family so much love.

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  1. Sandra Fawcett says:

    Love your ideas about this year and next

  2. Kelly says:

    LOVE this post! Thank you! Ive booked marked it to do this weekend- cant wait! Feeling excited and inspired already 😉 xx

  3. Kate says:

    Ahhhhh melissa you are always a breath of fresh air. And you always seem to pop up when I most need you! Thank you infinitely for everything that you do and everything that you are ❤️❤️❤️

  4. Edmund Woo says:

    Very strong, Melissa! I am going to go through this exercise and will have my daughter (17 years old) do it also! Thank you!!!

  5. Maya says:

    This is exactly what I needed, thank you so much!
    I agree with what has been said above, you always have the perfect timing.
    I first read your book half a year ago when I took a leap to totally change my career and it will always have a place in my heart.
    I can’t wait for your podcast and new book 🙂
    Wish you happy holidays and all the best. Maya xx

  6. Nina says:

    Hi Melissa! I follow you since your first blog and I have to say that you played such an important role in my evolution, even though we never met…
    So I want to say thank you for all the joy and the advices you brought to me! My first goal for 2017 is to buy “Mastering your Mean Girl”. I live in FRance. Is it preferable to order it from your site of from Amazon?
    I wish you a very happy 2017! Can’t wait to discover your potcasts!!

    • Melissa says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words Nina. You can order it from where ever you wish darling, it’s totally up to you. There are two versions, the Aussie version, and the US version. The Aussie version has pretty photos all the way through it and the US version doesn’t which makes it cheaper. Make sure you get your desired version 😉

  7. Gina says:

    This exercise has been eye opening and awe inspiring. 2016 had brought both ups and downs as well as blessings in disguise. I thank you for sharing your light and I’m looking forward to all the wonderful things that are I store for you.

  8. Liz says:

    Oh this post is amazing! Possibly my favourite so far. Time to get writing 🙂
    Happy new year Melissa xx

  9. Daniela says:

    Thank you Melissa, this planner is exactly what I needed! It was fun going through it!!
    I wish you all the best!!!

    thank you for inspiring me so much


  10. Fiorenza says:

    Thank you Melissa for this fabulous blog post.
    As always, your examples are really handy and easy to relate to.
    I’m following your guide to set goals and raise strong with my tribe too. They’re loving it.

    I really love your idea of writing a letter to my future self. It’s fun and full of deep meaning.

    Thank you for inspiring me,

  11. Liza says:

    Wonderful…many thanks for your insightfulness and inspiration

  12. Jane says:

    Hi Melissa, thank you so much for all you do.
    I think I have my morning routine sorted, and I have really felt the benefits, but I have no evening routine in place yet and it is something I want to work on in 2017.
    Do you have any suggestions as to what would work?
    Love, Jane xx

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Jane,

      You can do whatever feels good for you.

      My ideal night time routine is this…

      + Bath with my hubby at 8pm.
      + Reading in bed for 15 minutes.
      + Stretching and chatting with my hubby on my bedroom floor for 5-10 minutes.
      + Sleep by 9pm.

      It doesn’t always happen but this is my ideal 😉


      • Jane says:

        That’s brilliant – thanks so much for sharing.
        I try to be in bed by 9pm, and up at 5.30am. Some people think I’m a bit weird, but if I deviate too much from this I can really tell… so I’m sticking to what feels good!
        Love being part of your tribe and feeling connected to people worldwide who share the same aspirations. It’s reassuring and empowering x

      • Melissa says:

        Hey beautiful,

        Try not to waste your time worrying about what other people think and just stay true to you. That’s the key to happiness!


        P.S. We LOVE having you part of the tribe.

      • Jane says:

        I’m going to print this off to remind myself throughout the year. Thanks a million for your support – you have been top of my gratitude list the last couple of days! x

      • Melissa says:

        Thanks so much angel <3

  13. Bridget says:

    Hi Mel

    Among many things I’m planning on implementing this year, I’d like to start diffusing essential oils for various reasons.

    I spotted a diffuser in one of your recent Insta stories and wondered where you bought it from, it was a really pretty glass one?

    Thanks so much :!

  14. Bianca Gray says:

    Hi Melissa, thankyou always for your inspiring posts and your beautiful book. Just wondering what kind of Yoga you do and which type do you recommend? I know there are so many styles and types but I’m unsure of where to begin with yoga/meditation. Also wanted to know how you went about clearing your Candida and Heavy metals? Currently working on healing my gut and have been for about 6 months now. Thank you xx

    • Melissa says:

      Hey beautiful Bianca,

      Thanks so much for reaching out.

      You’re right there are soooooo many types of yoga out there but my favorites are Hatha and yin. I would suggest trying a few different styles and seeing what feels right for you.

      Regarding meditation, I would start with some of my guided meditations. They are the bomb!

      And in terms of healing my gut I am working with Kirsty from Kultured Wellness and she is awesome. Check her out.

      I hope that helps sista!

      Please let me know if you have any other questions.


  15. Becca says:

    Hi Melissa,

    Thank you so much for sharing. My biggest issue is I don’t know how to answer any of these questions… I don’t know what makes me happy or how to pick out good things that happened from the year. It is something I really struggle with as I sit down to write and just have no idea what to say. I have read your book and found it wonderful, but can’t input any of your ideas into my everyday reality. Do you have any suggestions for a very lost soul?

    Thank you xx

    • Melissa says:

      Hey Becca,

      Firstly, be very mindful of your words… I can’t, I really struggle, I don’t know how etc If that’s what you keep telling yourself then that it what you will create.

      Try not saying any of those things for 3 weeks and then see how you feel. Remember your words are so potent and what you say you manifest.

      Secondly, start to use your words more wisely and choose dialogue that inspires you and lift’s you up.

      Give this a try for a few weeks and see how you feel. Let me know how you go honey.


  16. Bianca says:

    I recently just downloaded ‘The Glow Kitchen which I LOVE! The slow cooked lamb is my favourite! Just wondering if you can recommend any other recipe books or websites where you draw inspiration from for cooking? I struggle with finding good recipes and I have leaky gut so am limited to what I can and cannot eat!

    • Melissa says:

      So glad you love it, Bianca. The slow cooked lamb is my fave too. Next time you make it I am coming over for dinner 😉

      Check out all my fave health books and recipes here honey. There are so many goodies you can sink your teeth into.

      Enjoy angel!

  17. Natalia says:

    Hi Melissa!

    I have been willing to ask you this question for a while now as I feel like you might be the best person to do so. In no mean I aim to challenge you and your choices. Rather opposite I would love to understand more so I can have clearer picture on different knowledge which has been presented to us about food and health. I love your work and really respect what you do and how you inspire women, including me.
    Anyway, what I wanted to ask you why meat? 🙂 I know you are a big into diet rich in meat and bone broth and I know that yeas ago you were rather on the other side of it. Is there any particular knowledge, source that convinced you other wise? It is just hard for me to go on board of that meaty diet when I see huge research like The China Study and the C.Esselstyn (and few other strong sources like that) which shows the harm which eating meat does to human body. Or ignore amazing people like Hiromi Shinya, the pioneer of modern colonoscopy who claims human’s body is not designed to digest meat well. Fish yes, but not meat. How do you go about it? If there are such a strong evidence of meat not being that good to us. I would really love to her your idea on that as I know you have read many sources and gave many things a lot of thoughts. I am a bit confused and I am trying to find more answers even though I know there will never be one straight answer in this discussion of human diet and health 🙂 I would really appreciate your outlook on that as as I said before I really respect you as a knowledgable, real and caring person and health coach. Much love.

    • Melissa says:

      Hey beautiful,

      Thank you so much for your great question. The best thing to do is keep an eye out for my upcoming podcast episode with Daniel Vitalis, ‘To Meat or Not To Meat’, where we chat exactly about this topic and go in depth about it.

      I hope you get some great insights from the episode.


  18. Heini says:

    Hi! I absolutely loved this post (as I do all your posts) and it really gave awesome tools to use to start this year great. Anyway I was really hoping to ask you something and I`m sorry that this is a bit off topic, but I was wondering if you could tell me your opinion on this toothpaste? Do you think it`s paleo? Would you use it?

    If you can find the time to look into it then I`m really grateful, it would help a lot!

    Thank you,

    Heini xx

  19. Thordur says:

    I am grateful for my wife and that my Quit Smoking book is coming out very soon, I am looking forward for 2017 as it will be challenging year, I want to help as many people as possible to quit smoking.

    By The way Melissa, love your new site.

  20. Jenn Dawson says:

    Hi Melissa,

    I just saw your blog and was so fortunate to have read it. You are awesome. I wanted to ask this query to someone and I think of anyone better than you!

    One of my friend guided me to your blog because she is mesmerized by your freshness. I am in some stress and facing depression. Now she has also suggested me to follow another post to overcome these problems. She says she knows the original author and I should follow it but I am just a bit curious to know what would be your thoughts on it. So, if you just have some spare time, could you please visit:


    I just need your opinion. My friend is sure it works because it worked for her. But I’m still cautious.

    thanks and will keep an eye on your new posts.

    Jenn.D. from Sweden

  21. Amanda says:

    I just wanted to thank you for giving the world access to a wealth of information to inspire them as you were/are inspired. I have only recently stumbled across your book and website and honestly it has set me back on the right path. This last year had been horrendous with my partner returning from an overseas deployment with ptsd, situational anxiety and depression and an adjustment disorder just to name a few. Our whole family was thrown into a state of being out of alignment and disconnected with our five year old daughter very affected by the whole thing. Our investment property was trashed, cars were subject to multiple freak accidents and the whole year was disastrous. BUT not this year. 2017 will be a fresh beginning. I am so grateful to have found your teachings as they were exactly what I’ve needed to get myself and my family back on track. So inspiring and such a breath of fresh air. You change people’s lives of that I’m sure, you’ve certainly influenced ours. Thank you for being you.

  22. Y2 Online says:

    Hi, I think your site might be having browser compatibility issues.
    When I look at your blog site in Chrome, it looks fine but when opening in Internet Explorer, it
    has some overlapping. I just wanted to give you a quick
    heads up! Other then that, great blog!

  23. Giorgia says:

    What an inspiring exercise. 2016 was a mixed bag for me and I’m looking forward to a better year.

    One of the things that I want to implement this year is regular meditation. At the moment, that’s something I do only when I feel particularly stressed and it helps a lot. I want to increase the benefits so I’m trying to work it into my daily routine. Do you think it’s best to do it in the morning after waking up or before going to bed? I have a couple of your guided meditations, so I’ll put those on repeat. 🙂

    Thanks for everything you do and love the new website!

    • Hey Giorgia,

      I do it twice, morning and afternoon but I personally think first thing in the morning is better than before bed as it will set the tone for your day.

      Give it a try for 2 weeks and see how you go.


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Hi Gorgeous, I'm Melissa.

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